EHMK 20 litre Electrically Heated Mixer Kettle
- Interchangeable mixer tooling: Prop /Turbine/Sweep/Scraper.
- VFD controlled Auger to move viscous products to the hopper outlet.
- Heated pump heads and nozzle assemblies.
2 X 10 litre Electrically Heated Mixer Hoppers c/w lab mixer
- Compact Table top unit with direct coupling to metering pump.
Hot Fills of Personal Care Products:
- Custom built hot fill & cooling tunnel conveyor system designed to evaluate Hot Fill & Cooling technologies for deodorants & personal care related hot fill products.
Hot Filling of Topical Analgesic in deodorant style stick format
- Precision metering pump with synchronized nozzle movement to follow the container speed.
- CTN Container Tracking Nozzle to fill the tube on the continuously moving conveyor chain.
- HEPA filtered recirculating air for the cooling tunnel.
- A smooth, continuous motion, variable speed, serpentine chain conveyor transports the hot filled barrels through the filling station and HEPA filtered cooling tunnel.
Hot Fill – Pharmaceutical 2 piece HGC Capsules
- ACF Automatic Capsule Filler for 300 MF-30 10 x 30 Capsule Matrix.
- Hot or cold filling of paste, oil or wax based products into 2 piece HGC Capsules.
- Tooling from clients MF-30 12 x 25 format is filled with a moving heated nozzle assembly and computer controlled X-Y-Z axis.
ACF Automatic Capsule Filler for Profill 100 10 x 10 Capsule Matrix.
- HGC Capsule Filler to fill hot fill products with a heated hopper assembly.
- 6 litre capacity pressure pot with a follower plate for viscous products.
- 2 sets of capsule tooling from clients ATG Profill 100 capsule filler are mounted on the X-Y & Z Axis Robot filling deck to be indexed under the stationary filling nozzle.
Heated Nozzle & Pump Head Assemblies
- Heated nozzle assemblies ensure correct product temperature throughout the fill cycle. This is critical with many cosmetic products that may laminate at the wrong temperature. • Electrically heated nozzle blocks & pump heads with precision temperature controls.
- Heated & insulated flexible lines will maintain product temperature where the nozzle is remote from filler or is shifted from container to container.
- Computer controlled X Y & Z axis movements for filling HGC Capsules in a tray.